Short Term Youth Exchange


Short-Term Youth Exchanges (STEP) take place during the summer months and vary in length from several days to several weeks.  The most common STEP exchanges are family-to-family and vary from two-to-four weeks in each country.  Dozens of countries do short-term exchanges with the USA. There are also many international youth camps and touring programs available during the summer months. 


Short Term Application




The Short-Term Rotary Youth Exchange (STEP) program is open to youths from age 15 to 19 inclusive.  Applicants should be above-average students who demonstrate leadership in their schools and communities.  To fully experience life in another country, they should possess qualities such as flexibility and a willingness to try new things and see themselves as cultural ambassadors of the USA.  All applicants will be sponsored by a local Rotary Club; their applications are handled by the Rotary Short-Term Chair.



"I am so grateful to be a part of the STEP Program, as it allowed me to grow in numerous ways, and foster international friendships." Riley

"I have so many fond memories, and wonderful experiences I hope to member for a lifetime." Riley

"This experience was one like no other; full of adventure, making new friends, and learning about a whole new culture." Kandice

"Going to Austria this summer was truly the best experience ever and I hope I can inspire more and more kids to do this each year!" Kandice

"It is truly the most amazing opportunity for young teens who have a love to travel."  Kandice

"John - What a joy to receive this testimony from our two young girls, Lou and Lydia.  I am convinced that our role of STEP ROTARY District Coordinator is greatly rewarded when our young people arrive at such a complicity. Being able to communicate between different countries is an extraordinary idea that we must strive to support and develop as long as possible....Thank you again for our partnership USA D7120 /France D1780"  Jacques Kostitch Step Coordinateur D 1780 France

To read the more on the student's experiences please click on the documents below

2018 ST Exchange with France

2018 ST Exchange with Italy

Short-Term Youth Exchange  Chair


Gretchen DiNardo